Atlas Looking at Data

TitleAtlas Looking at Data

Looking at Data is a tool to guide groups of teachers discovering what students, educators, and the public understand and how they are thinking.

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6 thoughts on “Atlas Looking at Data

  1. Q1: What do you see in the data?
    As a district we beat the state in, formally assigning mentors, offering seminars specifically designed for new teachers, offering orientation for new teachers, and having regular communication with principals.
    The major Aha! for me is reducing the workload for beginning teachers in both the state and the county.

  2. Q2: What does the data suggest?
    The data suggests we do a great job of assigning beginning teachers a mentor and offering orientation for new teachers.
    We have got to interview second and third-year teachers to find out why they may feel they are overloaded with work. We also need to find out why beginning teachers do not feel as though they receive no additional support as a new teacher. First, we need to know how they perceived this question and ask them how we can remedy this situation.

  3. Q3: What are the assumptions we make about new teachers and their development?
    It seems as a district we offer many professional development opportunities for the beginning teachers. From my observations, the district is doing a great job with supporting beginning teachers. The improvement needs to happen in the individual schools. BTs do not feel they have time to observe other teachers, time to meet with their mentors, and having extra support.
    If BTs do not have access to observation or extra support, they will burn out and become bitter. We have to make sure every teacher in the school is being supportive to new teachers.

  4. Q4: What are the implications of the TWC data on my team’s work with new teachers?
    After reviewing the data, I need to show my team these results immediately. My school did not have enough BTs to show data. I feel it is very important to show my team these results to ensure our school does not fall into the lacking categories. It is so devastating to me to see BTs not feel as though they have extra support. This needs to change.

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