The Fall Meeting is an engaging, hands-on, intensive conference experience that leaves educators challenged and recharged. Your full participation is requested.

At Fall Meeting, all participants have the opportunity to experience the power of SRI critical friendship in reflective learning groups as well as participate in a compelling learning experience designed to provide participants the opportunity to delve deeply into a particular topic of interest.

Reflective Learning Groups

At the heart of Fall Meeting is our time together in reflective learning groups, small groups co-facilitated by SRI affiliates. Reflective learning groups vary in size, and include participants from across the country and from all areas of education. Because of the nature of our work in reflective learning groups, your full participation is very much appreciated.

In these groups, we’ll use SRI tools (protocols) and other resources to create conditions for professional collaboration and reflective discourse to flourish. Specifically, reflective learning groups at Fall Meeting will support us to:

  • Surface issues of inequity, injustice, and oppression even when they may appear to be absent;
  • Examine how our assumptions and beliefs can serve to support some students and hinder the success of others;
  • Create brave and safe spaces where conversations result in action; and
  • Sustain commitments that lead to reach change.

More Information on Reflective Learning Groups and bringing work

Learning Experiences 

Learning experiences are held on Friday of the Fall Meeting and provide participants the opportunity to delve deeply into a particular topic of interest.  Each learning experience is aligned with SRI’s mission and Achieving Educational Equity and Excellence Learning Strands, with session offerings designed to meet the varied needs and interests of all educators. Some sessions are three and a half hours and some sessions are one and a half hours.


Each year, the Fall Meeting programming committee looks for keynote speakers that will engage and inspire our attendees and this year is no different.